EPTA – The European Piano Teachers Association, UK, Limited
Founded in 1978 by Carola Grindea as part of a Europe-wide co-ordinating body for piano teachers, EPTA now has Associations in almost every European country and affiliations worldwide.
The aims of EPTA UK are to promote excellence in piano teaching and performance, to bring teachers and performers together and to raise standards within the profession.
Mission, Vision and Aims
EPTA’s purpose is to raise the standard of piano teaching, piano performance and general musicianship in the UK by providing opportunities for pianists, piano teachers and other interested parties
- to exchange ideas
- to learn from others
- to share the experience of high quality performances
- to undertake research
- to share information through meetings, seminars, courses, conferences and publications.
EPTA seeks to encourage:
- excellence in piano playing and piano teaching
- wider participation, especially among young people, in playing the piano
- greater opportunity for performance, both solo and ensemble
- increased access to concerts and recitals in all ways, eg: locality, transport, cost, frequency
- the promotion of piano performance, at all levels, and from all sources
- increased discrimination amongst audiences over the quality of performances
- greater recognition of their achievement for those who perform well, at whatever level
- wider acceptance of the educational value of learning to play an instrument, in particular, an instrument on which harmonic sonorities are readily accessible
- wider acceptance of the value of such musical skills as sight playing, ear playing, memorising and improvising;
- a growing repertoire of high quality music for pianists of all levels;
- thorough training of all piano teachers in both the pedagogical and the musical aspects of their profession;
- recognition of such training by the award of an appropriate qualification;
- recognition, by parents and students, of such a qualification as a minimum standard for anyone setting up a piano teaching practice;
- a proper perspective in the use of examination systems.
EPTA aims to fulfil its mission by:
- promoting conferences, concerts, lectures, seminars, workshops, masterclasses and other events
- producing a professional magazine three times a year
- mounting courses for established teachers and students
- promoting research into piano playing and piano teaching
- organising competitions for performers and for composers
- offering bursaries and awards
- expanding the regional network and supporting the work of Regional Organisers
- encouraging the work of ‘EPTA Young Artists’
- expanding the mentor system for teachers, and maintaining a Helpline
- establishing a reference library of audio and video recordings, books and other printed materials relating to the keyboard.
EPTA UK LTD is Registered with Companies House, England, as a private company, limited by guarantee, no share capital. Registration number 01945055.
EPTA UK LTD is also a Registered Charity (no. 293698).
EPTA UK LTD complies with the Data Protection Act 1998.