Date(s) - October 29, 2023
9:30 am - 4:45 pm
Corbett Road, Cardiff, CF10 3EB
ESTA UK and EPTA in collaboration with Cardiff University School of Music are proud to announce a joint one-day conference for string players and collaborative pianists. We explore the art of successful accompanying, for early learners, exams and public recitals.
09:30 Meet and Greet with tea and coffee (Octagon)
09:50 Welcome Address (Concert Hall)
Caroline Rae and Philip Aird
10:00-10:30 Keynote Speech (Concert Hall)
Collaboration, Communication and Creativity
Anthony Williams
10:30-11:30 Follow The Leader (Concert Hall)
Introducing Accompaniments to Younger Learners
Simon Jones and Rebecca Selley
11:30 Morning Break with tea and coffee (Octagon)
12:00-13:00 What a Business! (Concert Hall)
Everything you need to know about setting up your freelance teaching business
Joanna Garcia
13:00-13:30 Lunch
Please provide your own lunch. Tea and coffee available
13:30-13:45 Viola and Piano Recital (Concert Hall)
Charles Bodman Whittaker (viola)
Rebecca Selley (piano)
Rebecca Clarke – Sonata for viola and piano ‘Impetuoso’
Henri Büsser – Appasionato Op. 34
13:45-14:00 Recital II (Concert Hall)
14:10-15:45 Accompaniment Workshop (Concert Hall)
Soloists and accompanists from Cardiff take part in an open Workshop
14:10-15:45 Strings Accompanying Strings (Boyd Lecture Room)
14:10-15:45 Strings Masterclass (Small Lecture Theatre)
15:45-16:00 Tea and coffee
16:00 Plenary (University Concert Hall)
Round Table Q&A (please submit questions in advance)
16:30 Short Recital (Concert Hall)
16:45 Finish