Date(s) - November 4, 2024 - April 30, 2025
12:00 am
To inspire, encourage, motivate, and honour high levels of piano playing and piano teaching nationwide, and to promote musical awareness through participation in performing.
Rules of Entry
- The competition has an age limit of 25 and under (at 31st August 2025) for all graded categories.
- Entrants are allowed to enter one class only.
- Graded Classes
- These are open to all pianists except for principal study pianists at specialist music schools or Junior Conservatoires. Participants from these institutions who are not principal study will need to confirm this on the entry form. The competition organisers reserve the right to contact the institution concerned if in any doubt.
- Age Range Classes
- These are open to all pianists including those at a specialist music school or Junior Conservatoire.
- If the demand for any Age Range Class is substantial, the adjudicator retains the right to select in advance part of the programme.
Round 1
- All participants will receive verbal and written adjudications and certificates of entry.
- Round 1 adjudicators and venues will be chosen by the Regional Organiser.
- Certificates of ‘high commendation’ will be awarded where appropriate by the adjudicator.
- The adjudicator will choose one performer from each class in each category to go forward into the regional final rounds. A second can be considered only in exceptional circumstances if the adjudicator deems both performances to be ‘equally’ worthy.
- Performances selected for the regional final rounds must be “Outstanding”
It is not necessary or expected that anyone be ranked according to number or place. - If more than two performers received “Outstanding” a maximum of two may go through. There are no exceptions and this important rule must always be observed.
- If numbers are very small in a class, or no competitor achieves the required standard, there is no obligation to put students through to the regional finals.
- Winners for Classes below Intermediate I (Preparatory & Elementary) will be decided in the first round and prizes awarded accordingly. There will be no progression to the regional Final for these categories.
The preparatory class will have the option of non-competitive entries. All non-competitive entries will receive a certificate of participation. All first rounds must be completed by 28th February 2025.
Regional Finals
- There will be three Regional Finals during March and April; venues, dates and times TBC.
- Classes including and above Intermediate I will be represented in the Regional Finals with 1st, 2nd and 3rd places in each class.
Prizes will be awarded to the Regional Heat winner of each of the Graded Classes as follows:
- Preparatory (competitive) Grade 1 or below £15
- Elementary Grades 2–3 £20
Prizes awarded to the Regional final winner of each of the Graded Classes as follows:
- Intermediate I £25
- Intermediate II £30
- Advanced I £35
- Advanced II £40
Prizes awarded to each of the Regional Final winners of each of the Age Classes as follows:
- 12 & Under: £35
- 15 & Under: £45
- 18 & Under: £60
- Over 18: £75
All Classes
Two or more contrasting pieces should be played in each round. The category entry for Graded Classes is determined by the piece of the highest grade in the set, all ages for Age Classes are their age on 31st August 2025.
A repertoire list is available to assist teachers in the categorisation of pieces. This is an ongoing list. For enquiries, please contact admin@epta-uk.org. The competition organisers reserve the right to re-allocate a participant to a different class.
Participants may play the same or different repertoire in round 1 and the regional final so long as the grading level remains the same.
Performance Rules
- No changes to the repertoire is permitted after the final entry date of the competition.
- Performance time limits must be observed. Time starts on the first note and includes the time in between pieces. Pianists are not required to announce their pieces; any spoken introductions must be included in the overall performance time.
- The adjudicator has the right to stop any performance that goes over the time limit. The performer will be adjudicated on the performance heard.
- The adjudicator(s)’s decision is final.
Categories for participants:
Class | Level | Max. performance time (mins) | Fee (£) |
Preparatory (non-competitive) | Grade 1 or below | 3 | 7.50 |
Preparatory (competitive) | Grade 1 or below | 3 | 7.50 |
Elementary | Grades 2–3 | 5 | 10.00 |
Intermediate I | Grades 4–5 | 7 | 12.00 |
Intermediate II | Grades 6–7 | 9 | 15.00 |
Advanced I | Grade 8 | 10 | 18.00 |
Advanced II | Post-Grade 8 | 11 | 20.00 |
Class | Repertoire | Max. performance time (mins) | Fee (£) |
12 Years and Under on 31st August 2025 | Two or more contrasting pieces | 12 | 18.00 |
15 Years and Under on 31st August 2025 | Two or more contrasting pieces | 15 | 20.00 |
18 Years and Under on 31st August 2025 | Two or more contrasting pieces | 18 | 22.50 |
Over 18 on 1st September 2025 | Two or more contrasting pieces | 25 | 25.00 |
All entries must be submitted via the EPTA UK website form by the closing date set by the organiser of the first rounds. Please check the competition webpage for updates and contact information. Repertoire
Summary of the Structure of the Competition
Round 1
Date | Venue | Adjudicator | Entry Form Submission Deadline | Organiser | |
09/02/25 | Kent | Penhurst Church | Nancy Litten | ||
08/02/25 | Essex | Brentwood School | Alex Gray | ||
London | Marta Marota | ||||
Cambridge | Ilga Pitkevica | ||||
15/02/25 | Norfolk | Springwood School | Benjamin Howell | ||
Newcastle | Andrew Higgins | ||||
Manchester | Amy Wakefield | ||||
Yorkshire | Simon Burgess | ||||
Swansea | Hyelim Morris | ||||
Gloucester | Pippa Harrison | ||||
Devon | Ekaterina Shetliffe | ||||
Bristol | Daniel Lloyd |
Regional Finals
Date | Venue | Adjudicator(s) | Organiser |
EPTA UK Piano Competition Rules 2025 – https://epta-uk.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/EPTA-UK-2025-Piano-Competition-Rules-2.pdf
EPTA Piano Competition Repertoire List – https://epta-uk.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/EPTA-Piano-Competition-2025-Repetoire-List.pdf
Register for the event here: Round 1 Entry Form – https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=AEwh36KcZ0yvRLzLQKSb2QJoOrwSL39OpsEzRSwjVfFUOE1ON0RHR1A3RUdTSFY2UUxCVko3S082NS4u&route=shorturl OR SCAN THE QR CODE
Buy your tickets now – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/2024-2025-epta-uk-competition-round-1-entry-tickets-1074226463269?aff=oddtdtcreator