EPTA UK One-Day Conference in Birmingham – 01/09/2024

HomeNewsEPTA UK One-Day Conference in Birmingham – 01/09/2024

Following the amazing success of the EPTA London one-day conference at the Royal Academy of Music 2023 kick starting the new Academic Year, we plan to repeat this success moving to the Birmingham Conservatoire for a full day of events on September 1st 2024.

EPTA UK has a long history of successful one day conferences, and Birmingham 2024 is shaping up to be another exciting event with ‘Diversity’ as its theme. Presentations by the internationally renowned author, educator, and pianist Penelope Roskell who covers From elementary to intermediate: healthy techniques for a smooth transition; an ABRSM syllabus presentation by the remarkable Jill MortonLiz Horobin brings huge experience and knowledge to the subject of Student Centered Learning, and the charismatic Joanne Garcia focusses on Artistry and Interpretation.

Further sessions include John Thwaites and Piano-playing Styles of the Nineteenth CenturyBeate Toyka Best of Practice and Andrew Eales Teaching Students How to Practice tackle the thorny issue of practicing at both ends of the scale, before the internationally acclaimed pianist Adam Heron treats us to a whistle-stop tour of The Music of Chevalier St George. Truly a memorable day to re-ignite passions ready for Academic year 2024/25!

For the full details: https://epta-uk.org/events/categories/epta-national-series/